Tuesday, October 30, 2007

News of the Moment

GM Sees Alternative-Energy Vehicles 50% Of Output In 5 Yrs
General Motors Corp. (GM) Chairman Rick Wagoner said Monday vehicles that use alternatives to gasoline will likely grow to account for about 50% of the U.S. automaker's global production over the next five years, up from a projected 10% share this year.

Energy Secretary: Mandates May Be Needed
Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said Monday that government mandates are not ideal but might be a necessary part of efforts to boost the use of alternative fuels.

Israeli unveils ambitious plan to shift transportation to electric cars
Israeli entrepreneur Shai Agassi is that man. The 39-year-old former SAP executive has come up with an ambitious plan to shake up the auto industry by encouraging consumers worldwide to give up their heavily polluting fossil fuel cars and purchase electric cars instead.

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